- 主营:婴童家具、婴童服饰、床垫
- 公司:上海高点贸易有限公司
"很多品牌的创立都源于个人的热情,PAPAHUG也不例外,公司的创始人Bob和Leo是两个初为人父的年轻人。原本就经营着家具品牌的他们,近年来一直在思考如何让家人的生活更安全、健康、美好,于是PAPAHUG就诞生了。PAPAHUG直译成中文是爸爸的拥抱。PAPA不特指爸爸,表述另一种角度的育儿观念。PAPAHUG在世界各地风格纯正的家居产品上汲取经典元素,融入设计中,生产高品质与高价值完美结合的独特婴幼儿家居产品。安全、健康、美学、低碳是PAPAHUG的设计理念与工艺标准。PAPAHUG把产品的安全问题,看作是最为重要的,PAPAHUG的产品设计团队与生产部门紧密合作,并确认产品符合相应的安全标准。 Many brands are born of passion. PAPAHUG is no exception, being founded by two young fathers Bob and Leo, who both have years of experience in the furniture industry behind them. Several years ago, Bob and Leo began to be more concerned with the question of how to make life safer, healthier and more fulfilling for all members of the family. This is how PAPAHUG was born. Our name is more than just a father’s embrace. It is a whole new concept of parenting entirely. PAPAHUG draws upon the very best of classical design from all over the world to create our unique nursery spaces. Our designs come to life through the advanced technology we employ, underpinned at all times by our commitment to health, safety, aesthetics and low-carbon production. Holding product safety as paramount to our work, our design team and manufacturing department work closely to make sure our products meet related safety Requirements and standards."
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- 行业 食品 服饰 寝居 用品 童车 孕妇 玩具 洗护 学习
- 地区 北京 上海 重庆 天津 广东 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林