- 世纪宝贝
- 主营:浴盆,儿童餐椅,坐便器
- 公司:台州市贝莱氏婴童用品有限公司
Babyhood让宝宝和妈妈的世界更精彩!该公司成立与2009年,致力于设计一系列独创性的婴儿用品满足现代父母的需求。让育儿和生活变得更加美好,继而成为一种享受。Babyhood 公司的产品,兼顾了品质,安全与时尚。着重于对婴儿用品的独创性及安全性的研发点,同时平衡现代父母对于Baby呵护的需求与爱的天秤。Babyhood将继续全心全意致力于为全球婴童提供优质和安全的产品而努力,给宝宝带来一生最美好的开始,为宝宝的成长每一步提供最优质的产品。Babyhood makes the world of babies and mommies more beautiful! This corporation was set up in 2009, and is devoted to design a series of creative products for infants meeting parents’ needs, which make it more beautiful to parenting and life, leading to be an enjoyment.Products from Babyhood Company combine quality, safety and fashion all together. It focuses on developing the originality and safety of infant products, and at the same time balancing the Requirements and love of current parents for babies. Babyhood will continues devoting itself to providing products of high quality and safety wholeheartedly. We’d like to provide the most qualified products for babies at every stage, which will give the babies a best start of their life.
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- 行业 食品 服饰 寝居 用品 童车 孕妇 玩具 洗护 学习
- 地区 北京 上海 重庆 天津 广东 河北 山西 辽宁 吉林